We celebrated Memorial Day a little differently this year. In past years, we've spent the day catching up on some of our own "honey-do" lists, followed by an ice cream stop in the afternoon and completed with our own version of a crop tour. However, not this year. This year, we did something completely different.
We have a local Mennonite Community, to which we have made several great friends. Several of them farm in the same area as we do, and the boys are always sharing ideas back and forth. Not to mention the lending of equipment in exchange for pies. (I truly think that Justin will find whatever he can to lend out, just so he can get a pie in return.) On Memorial Day, they had a work day and the goal was to construct an entire barn for a couple of the guys who raise feeder calves. The day started with only the posts set in the ground, but by the time the day was over with, they had a roof on, walls up and even the doors. Justin had offered for me to come over and take drone photo's of the project, in exchange for a pie of course. However, I decided I also needed to give back so I provided them with a tray of banana bars for their afternoon snack.
I was surprised with all the work that had been completed, when I arrived just after lunch time. It's true what they say, many hands make light work! A couple of the younger boys were eager to see how the drone worked and of course all had ideas of pictures to get. I eventually let them each take their own turn and I will say Jeremy did a fantastic job!
Everyone was so appreciative of the goodies and the extra help. Justin made sure to leave my pan behind, in hopes that one of the families would refill it with some sort of goody. ;)